We Have The Best Possible Message

On Monday night we took the evening to look at all the reasons, in Paul’s letter to the Romans, why (as he says in chapter 1 verse 16) there’s absolutely no reason to be ashamed of the message of Jesus. Here are the notes: Paul says, He’s not ashamed....

Practical ways to battle anxiety.

This is a second post to supplement tonight’s study. Tonight we’re going to look at some of the roots of our common battle with anxiety. Back in the beginning of 2015 we took a Monday night to look at some practical ways to fight the battle. I thought the...

Figuring out evil. And humanity.

[This is a repost from 2014, because tonight I’m going to reference a quote from the lectures linked to below. And because these are really great resources if you’re wondering about either of these topics. (Come on…the Problem of Evil anyone?)] I...