“Boundless Shall Thy Kingdom Be”

A hymn for Christmas Eve, by Ambrose of Milan: Savior of the nations, come,  virgin’s Son, make here thy home! Marvel now, O heaven and earth, that the Lord chose such a birth. Not of flesh and blood the Son, offspring of the Holy One; born of Mary ever blest,...

Don’t Waste Your Twenties

This is a repost from July of 2014…Hope you enjoy. A writer named Trevin Wax, who is 33, gives these pieces of advice for those of you in your twenties: Read beyond the requirements of college, church, or work. That’s right. Read. Feel free to enjoy video games,...

Considering the Rights of My Neighbor

At our home groups, and in our large group meetings, we’re slowly studying our way through the book of Exodus. Everybody knows about the amazing stories of Egypt and the Red Sea and Moses and the Miracles, and those are indeed amazing things to study, but we...