The Tribulation and the Second Coming (Notes from last night)

by | Nov 12, 2014 | End-Times, Monday Study Notes | 0 comments

On Monday nighty we continued our look at what the Bible says about the end times by studying a rough chronology and description of the seven-year “Day of the Lord” period often called “The Tribulation.” Here are the notes:

What happens during the Tribulation

Dan 7:1-8, 15-25 The Rise of a new global superpower
Dan 8:23-24 The rise of an individual leader of that power
Dan 9:27 This leader initiates a seven year covenant with Israel
Rev 6:1-8 Divine Judgments in the form of political and sociological upheaval
Rev 11:1-13 God has two witnesses
Rev 13:1-17 This leader is an economic dictator and religious head
2 Thess 2:3-12 This ruler is the Man of Sin
Rev 8:6-13 Divine judgments in the form of signs and wonders are poured out
Rev 9:20-21 Many do not repent
Rev 7:9-17 Many do repent
Rev 7:1-4 Israel Center Stage
Rev 14:6-8 Angelic preaching
Rev 16:12-16 Demonic activity, armies gathering for battle
Dan 11:36-12:1 Wars with the world leader
Joel 3:9-14 nations gathering
Zech 14:2-4 All nations gathered, the Lord comes
Mat 24:29-31 Jesus comes back
Rev 19:11-21 Jesus defeats all the armies

The Second Coming: The Great hope of all Mankind

See Ps 96:10-13, Ps 98; 2 Peter 3:1-9, 14-15

What’s the point?

1. The Bible predicts the future. Prophecy is a verifier of the truth of scriptural claims.
(See Isaiah 41:21-24, 46:9-10, 48:3-5)
2. We may look at current events to see if they are leading in the direction prophecy points. Now, it is very common for people to express disdain or boredom with those who watch current events to line up with prophecy. Of course, this may be done wrongly. People may get more excited about news feeds than the bible. But we should ask ourselves this question: If the things the bible predicted were really going to happen, and if we were getting close to those things occurring, we would expect to see global events “positioning” themselves in the direction they’d need to go if the prophecies were going to come true, right? So, do we currently see…
• the world ripe for, and already experiencing, major social upheavals…
• conditions needed for the existence of a world-wide state being prepared…
• a global yearning for strong, capable leadership to deal with the world’s problems…
• geo-political lines and alliances being drawn up according to what the bible says…
• increasing interest in the demonic (whether explicit or implicit), and actual demonic activity…
• increasing animosity towards Christ…
• Israel in the land, in possession of Jerusalem…
• Heightened animosity towards Israel, such that they would welcome a peace treaty and someone with the power to enforce it…?

3. Is your life woven into the world system in such a way that you would be lost if it changed or was ruined? (see Gal 1:3-4, 1 Thess 1:9-10)
4. Believers: Is this knowledge in you? see Colossians 3:1-7