God is talking. Will you listen?

Last night we began a 9-week study through the letter to the Hebrews, studying through the first two chapters. If you missed it, you’ve still got plenty of time to catch up and join us for the rest of the letter. Here are the notes: Introduction: Hebrews is a...

Learn to Study 1 Peter For Yourself

A few weekends ago a bunch of us took a weekend away to study the entire letter of 1 Peter. Today I wanted to share the booklet we used for the weekend. Below is the original booklet, as well as a new “general” format which erases most references to our...

Some helpful apologetic videos

These are great: Could the universe have been caused by nothing? Cosmological evidence points to the fact that the material universe is not eternal–in other words, that it had a beginning. And a truth that should be acknowledged by all is this: Whatever began to...

The Bible and what it means to be human.

On Friday I posted some thoughts on how the Bible can be simultaneously both the words of God and written by humans. Here are some more thoughts on this mind-altering truth, from Thomas Oden’s book Classic Christianity. “God the Spirit,” writes...