We had a blessed time at both our weekend of prayer last October and our weekend in the word in the Spring. This year we’ve got the first weekend in October to head back to the Camp at Old Mill for a couple days of prayer and looking into God’s word together.

The weekend will consist of prayer, times of worship in song, and group study of God’s word. We’ll have time for individual private prayer, prayer in small groups, and corporate prayer with our whole group. I’m hoping to integrate some of what we did as we studied Colossians over a weekend in the Spring. Maybe we’ll go slowly through Romans 8 together or something. 

In addition to letting the word of God guide us in our prayers, we’ll have ample time to seek the Lord for the issues in our personal lives, as well as family and our social contexts, the wider world, and whatever else the Spirit leads us to ask for. Come ready for a focused time of actively pursuing God. Please join us to experience the blessing of Christian community centered around God’s presence and word.

You can pick up a registration form in the back of the auditorium on Monday nights or download one here.