Thinking biblically about evil and original sin

In this post I wanted to highlight a couple of resources that are helpful if you’d like to study the bible’s teaching on evil and original sin.  I discovered them a couple months ago, and, even though they are pretty dense and academic–so you might...

The long road down to Good Friday

How does scripture describe what it meant for Jesus to come from glory and travel all the way to what we call “Good Friday,” the day when he was crucified? Here’s a very thoughtful and sobering look at the journey he took to retrieve us from the far...

Perfecting Humanity

“In Christ all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily,” Paul wrote in Colossians 2:9. Here’s a challenging thought on what that means, distilled from an ancient writer John of Damascus by modern writer Thomas Oden: In Jesus, who is God-become-man,...