Let’s think about…The Rapture.

by | Jan 16, 2013 | Bible Study, End-Times, Theology | 0 comments

Ever hear someone say, “The word ‘Rapture’ is not in the Bible.”–? Ever get confused trying to think about it?

Here’s a shot at helping you work through the issues regarding the timing of the Lord’s coming for His people.  Click on the title below to download a worksheet I give out to my Bible classes. It takes you through the relevant scripture passages and concepts which lead someone to believe that the Church is caught up to be with Christ before a time of trouble on the earth and as a first part of His final coming.

What is the Rapture, and why should we believe in it? (pdf)

Here’s the outline of the worksheet:

Why should we believe in a Rapture?

There are several important themes in scripture that lead to the concept of the Rapture happening separate from the 2nd coming in Revelation 19. (Or, as a first part of a two-part coming, part before the Tribulation (to receive the church) and part at the end of the Tribulation (to judge the earth)).

Here are the reasons to believe in a rapture, and to believe that it happens before a seven-year period known as “The Tribulation.” 

1. Old Testament Prophesies that haven’t been fulfilled.
A. Old Testament Prophesies about God’s future dealing with the nation of Israel
B. Prophesies about future dealing with the gentile nations
C. Possible OT references to the Rapture
D. Types and Symbols that seem to point to the Rapture in the Old Testament

2. New Testament Passages that describe the Church and its future.
A. The Church will be received to Christ in the Air
B. The Church will not be subjected to God’s divine Wrath on sin
C. The Coming of Christ for His church is Imminent (it could happen at any time)