Ten Questions to Help You Read the Bible

by | Oct 23, 2013 | Bible Study | 0 comments

I saw this recently (and then forgot where). It offers ten questions you could use when you’re reading scripture by yourself. Maybe this is something to print out and keep with you when you read. Instant devo-structure.

10 Questions to Help You Read the Bible Better

1. What does this passage tell me about God?
2. What does this passage tell me about myself/humanity?
3. How does this passage fit into the story of the Bible/the story of God redeeming His people?
4. How does this passage lead me to Jesus?
5. Based on this passage are there things I need to repent of?
6. Based on this passage are there things I ought to do/change?
7. How does this passage reveal the beauty of God and his gospel, and lead me into worship and adoration?

Bonus questions
2.5 Are there things I don’t understand in this passage that I need to ask about/research further?
6.5 What can I do today to apply this passage?
7.5 How can I share the attractiveness of Christ in this passage to people in my life?