Don’t Trust this Man

A parable: Once there was a man who had functioned well for his entire life–totally normal and basically successful, in fact. His wife and children, his house, everything was in order. And he loved the people in his life. But after about 15 years of marriage and...

Not all truths are found in verses

Have you ever heard someone say, “Show me one verse that says ___________ (insert controversial/complex topic)”? Usually the words one verse are emphasized, as if to show how absurd the discussion really is, when, honestly, “We both know...

Jesus: He existed before he was born.

Yep. He was before he came: Everything that exists (other than him) came are through him. (1 Corinthians 8:6) He was rich, before he was poor. (2 Corinthians 8:9) Our place with God was secured in him (by him?) before the universe itself got rolling. (Ephesians...