“John Cortinez and Gregory Baumer were young, successful Christians making more money than most of us dream of. They were faithful Christians tithing to their church regularly, but when they take an elective class at Harvard Divinity school about God and Money their paradigm about money turns upside down.

Does the Bible say we have to tithe? How does the Bible ask us to view money? What does it look like when God’s view of money confronts two young Christian businessmen?”

That’s the description for a great podcast I recently listened to. It’s by the guys at The Bible Project and I highly recommend you cue it up for a listen whenever you have a chance. If you do, come talk to me about it when you have some thoughts organized.

You can download the mp3 here.

You can get it on iTunes here.

And if you’ve never seen the great animation The Bible Project does… head on over to jointhebibleproject.com