
I mentioned this Monday Night, but here’s the official announcement:

On Friday April 19 we’ll return to the site of our Autumn Weekend of Prayer for a whole weekend to study God’s word together. We’ll study through an entire book during the weekend (most likely a shorter one, like a New Testament letter). You can expect a variety of different formats for our study, from typical large-group studies to Q&A sessions to discussion groups to individual time to read on your own.

Last year’s weekend was an excellent time together, and I’m really excited for another chance to experience the blessing of Christian community centered around God’s word for. Of course, prayer and worship singing will be a large part of our gatherings, as we let God’s revealed truth lead our hearts to talk to Him, ask Him for things, seek His presence, and praise Him. The weekend will take place at the Camp at Old Mill in Brandamore, PA.

You can download a registration form here.

To register online: click here.

Let me know if you have any questions!