Here are some great thoughts from Julianne Heilman’s blog:

“No Christian, though the poorest and humblest, ever need despair of doing a noble work for God. He need never wait until he can obtain the co-operation of the multitude or the wealthy. Let him undertake what he believes to be his duty, on ever so small a scale, and look directly to God for aid and direction. If it be a seed which God has planted, it will take root, grow, and bear fruit, ‘having seed within itself.’ ‘It is better to trust in God than to put confidence in man; it is better to trust in God than to put confidence in princes.’” (–George Muller, The Life of Trust)

Is there a good work that you dream of doing for the Lord? Is there something that you see needs to be done, but seems too big for you? Don’t let the size or the weight of the work keep you from doing what the Lord is leading you into. He is bigger still…

Read the whole thing at