A couple years ago I posted an article entitled “How Can the Gospel be Good News for Gays?” It offered insights into that provocative and important question.

Today I want to share this post from the Gospel Coalition which extends and deepens the thinking in that original post. The video below features three of the American Christian community’s most articulate witnesses to the good news of repentance and new life contained in the gospel–even for people who might not hear the gospel as good news at first. And all three of them have first hand experience in the situations they’re speaking about.

And here’s the text of the original post:

In what sense is God’s sexual ethic not just true, but also beautiful and good for the world?

That’s the question Sam Allberry (author of Is God Anti-Gay? and a founding editor of Living Out, a ministry for those struggling with same-sex attraction), Rosaria Butterfield (author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and Openness Unhindered [20 quotes]), and Jackie Hill Perry (spoken word poet and hip-hop artist) take on in this new seven-minute roundtable video.

Perry considers how pursuing holiness leads to human flourishing; Butterfield thinks about how bearing God’s image informs Scripture’s sexual morality; and Allberry reminds us what the Bible actually is—the story of a Creator more committed to our joy than we could ever imagine, not an arbitrary list of prohibitions.

Watch as they open up about their own struggles with sexuality and share how the Lord has used his Word to show them the goodness of his sexual ethic.