Young men…young women? Did the title of this post grab you? For many of us, the battle with lust is a front and center battle in our Christian life. Our non-believing friends would never understand it. They don’t battle lust–they love it. They revel in it. To someone who doesn’t know the joy and power of knowing Jesus Christ, maybe the best thing out there is porn or sex or just feeding mental fantasies. But those of us who have communed with the Spirit of God know how small, fading, and ultimately breaking those things are, especially when compared to the things men and women were meant for. Sex is awesome, but outside of the world of a marriage covenant, it’s not awesome at all.

So, if you want help in the battle against those thoughts and feelings that try to tell you otherwise, check out this great video from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:

P.S. Did you catch their series title? It’s unfortunate, because it’s the exact one we were using for our series of answers at Truth on Campus. Oh well…