by ccpwebteam | Aug 7, 2015 | Academic, Book Recommendations, Featured Posts
Note: This is a repost from June of 2013. Still very relevant, though. If you’re headed to a school like this in the fall, read on… The title of this post mentions “Christian Colleges,” but I’m really interested in helping those of you...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 14, 2014 | Academic, Bible Study, Book Recommendations
Here is a repost of an excellent book and lecture series giving an in depth look at the topic we’ll address: Can we really understand scripture when we read it? Enjoy… I’m almost finished an excellent little book (153 pages of reading) on another...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 24, 2014 | Academic, Theology
In this post I wanted to highlight a couple of resources that are helpful if you’d like to study the bible’s teaching on evil and original sin. I discovered them a couple months ago, and, even though they are pretty dense and academic–so you might...
by ccpwebteam | Sep 16, 2013 | Academic, Events
We’ll have a Forum-style night tonight at Young Adults. Dr. Jason Lisle, the Astrophysicist who spoke at Calvary on Saturday night, will speak on apologetics (different than Saturday night here at Calvary), followed by Q&A. See...
by ccpwebteam | Jun 21, 2013 | Academic
Professor John Lennox:...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 12, 2013 | Academic, The Trinity
Last night I read this passage from a guy named John Webster on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity. It’s a little dense, but very thought provoking, and so I wanted to post it here (the first paragraph), along with the quote I tried to read (the last...