by ccpwebteam | Oct 18, 2016 | Book Recommendations
Psalm 48, as translated by Alec Motyer: A Hymn; A Song belonging to the Sons of Korah Yahweh is great, and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of all the earth the mountain of Zion, the very...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 19, 2016 | Book Recommendations, God's will, Spiritual Life
One of the most common discussions we have in the social circles of the young adults fellowship is about God’s will. How do you know what it is? And how are we supposed to make life decisions if we’re not sure what God’s will is? One of my favorite...
by ccpwebteam | Aug 7, 2015 | Academic, Book Recommendations, Featured Posts
Note: This is a repost from June of 2013. Still very relevant, though. If you’re headed to a school like this in the fall, read on… The title of this post mentions “Christian Colleges,” but I’m really interested in helping those of you...
by ccpwebteam | Jun 17, 2015 | Book Recommendations, Evangelism
For Christmas my wife bought me Stephen Kotkin’s new biography of Ioseb Jughashvili, otherwise known to history as Joseph Stalin. It’s huge, so I’m nowhere near finished with it, but it has been an excellent read so far, full of tons of background...
by ccpwebteam | Jun 3, 2015 | Book Recommendations, Spiritual Life
On Monday I posted some thoughts on prayer compiled from the writings of the Puritans. The last part of the post gave a quick list of steps for living our whole day in the strength of Christ. It reminded me of some passages from A.B. Simpson’s book Wholly Sanctified....
by ccpwebteam | Feb 11, 2015 | Book Recommendations, Featured Posts
One of the ways the Lord grew me early in my Christian walk was through introducing me to good literature written by Christians with weighty things to say. Through college and beyond, the Lord used the words on these pages to help me see him more clearly in scripture,...