Considering the Rights of My Neighbor

At our home groups, and in our large group meetings, we’re slowly studying our way through the book of Exodus. Everybody knows about the amazing stories of Egypt and the Red Sea and Moses and the Miracles, and those are indeed amazing things to study, but we...

Can We Sing the Mean Psalms?

Ever notice how much of the material in the Psalms speaks about judgement, in a completely unapologetic way? Maybe, as you steep yourself in the teachings of Jesus, especially, Jesus the Gentle and Lowly, you might even think that these thoughts are somehow out of...

Destroying a desperately destructive force

“Why do we tell lies?” asks John Webster.  “We lie to evade reality; we lie because the truth is too painful or too shameful for us to face, or because the truth is simply inconvenient and has to be suppressed before it’s allowed to disturb us. We...

Deathworks, and Where We Live

A few months ago I finished Carl Trueman’s book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. It is full of detailed, helpful explanations of the roots and causes that have led to some of the most powerful ideas shaping our culture right now. Near the beginning of...

Prayers Instead of Posts

Friends, there is nothing in the Word of God that says you must post a response to every issue that comes up or event that happens. There’s nothing in the Bible that says that you must have every conversation about every hot topic with every friend you have,...