Blind Men and the (Talking) Elephant

I just finished God is Not One by Stephen Prothero. I highly recommend it as a great primer on seven of the world’s most important religions: Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Yoruba, (modern), Judaism, Daoism (Taoism) and even the new Atheism. He does a...

Are we arrogant?

It helps to keep going over this. How should we think (and respond) when we (as Christians) are accused of being arrogant for thinking we can know that we have the one truth everyone needs? Is that lacking humility? Is it…un-Christlike?  (Since, so many would...

How can there be only one true religion?

There are long books answering questions like these, and but this short quote from Vern Poythress gets to the heart of the matter: Are All Religions True? Let us consider one common difficulty that modern people have with the Bible: how can there be only one true...