by ccpwebteam | Oct 19, 2016 | Evangelism, videos
We’re launching a new video series today over at Truth on Campus. Entitled “Honest Answers” (we’re trying to call it “an occasional vlog”) the videos will focus on a question Christians commonly get asked–and we’ll try...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 12, 2016 | Culture, Evangelism
A couple years ago I posted an article entitled “How Can the Gospel be Good News for Gays?” It offered insights into that provocative and important question. Today I want to share this post from the Gospel Coalition which extends and deepens the thinking...
by ccpwebteam | Sep 14, 2016 | Evangelism
This is kind of long, (like 10 minutes) but really good. Watch a pretty courageous person walk around the streets of a city in Israel and read Isaiah 53 with Jewish people who don’t believe Jesus was the...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 24, 2016 | Biblical History, Evangelism
I think we’ve all had a conversation like the one that starts off this video. If you don’t know how to quickly summarize the historical evidence (yes, evidence) behind Christians’ claim that Jesus rose form the dead, check this...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 18, 2016 | Evangelism, Resources
These are great: Could the universe have been caused by nothing? Cosmological evidence points to the fact that the material universe is not eternal–in other words, that it had a beginning. And a truth that should be acknowledged by all is this: Whatever began to...
by ccpwebteam | Feb 17, 2016 | Bible Study, Evangelism
A few weeks ago Justin Taylor shared this phenomenal post which I wanted to share in full. I also watched the lecture below. Totally worth your time. Enjoy. Does the Bible Support Slavery? By Justin Taylor What do you think is wrong with the following argument? Bible...