by ccpwebteam | Jan 13, 2016 | Culture, Evangelism
Rosaria Butterfield, being awesome, as usual. Hear her explain why we should not accept the idea that there is anything such as sexual identity. “It’s demeaning,” she says. There’s a lot here, and even if you don’t agree with it all,...
by ccpwebteam | Dec 16, 2015 | Evangelism, Monday Study Notes
On Monday night we took the evening to consider a basic question: What is Christianity? Now, there are two different perspectives you might take to answer the question… Answered from one perspective: Christianity is what results from God calling out a people for...
by ccpwebteam | Nov 18, 2015 | Campus Ministry, Dating, Evangelism
Today we released the next video on our “Seriously We Believe” series over at the Truth on Campus website. One of the things people find incredible about Christians in relationships is that they aim for purity and holiness—even in the area of sexuality. In other...
by ccpwebteam | Aug 6, 2015 | Evangelism
My good friend Ben Spector shared this with me the other day. I think it’s a totally helpful meditation for helping us stay fresh in our presentation of the message of Christ. The author meant this originally for cultures outside of the West which operate more...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 22, 2015 | Evangelism
We don’t have to just be negative. That was one of the thoughts that was kicking around in my head as I drove home after Monday night’s study. I am still mulling over the hugeness of the vision for humanity the New Testament describes. Verses like...
by ccpwebteam | Jun 17, 2015 | Book Recommendations, Evangelism
For Christmas my wife bought me Stephen Kotkin’s new biography of Ioseb Jughashvili, otherwise known to history as Joseph Stalin. It’s huge, so I’m nowhere near finished with it, but it has been an excellent read so far, full of tons of background...