Choose your story. It means everything.

I stumbled on this promo for a conference the other day. [tvideo type=”vimeo” clip_id=”117870540″] Aside from the fact that I hope the conference is helpful, the video contains these three sentences that I think are very profound:  “The...

Talking about the Trinity with Muslims

If you have five minutes, listen to this brother’s recounting of a conversation with three Palestinian Muslims, where the Trinity was a central part of the conversation. So helpful… [tvideo type=”vimeo” clip_id=”22034409″...

Three Muslim Misconceptions About Christians

I found this post by J.D. Greer helpful. Hope you will too… The history of Islam and Christianity is hardly an amiable one. Many people from both religions view the other with suspicion (at best) or fear and hatred (at worst). This suspicion existed from day...

Just Drop a Pebble in His Shoe.

Here’s a post I read a while ago that I’ve never forgotten. It’s one of those things that’s worked its way into my thought-life, my conversation, and my approach to sharing about Christ in way that’s been sort of life-changing. Justin...