A Great Introduction to Islam

Recently I found a multi-part lecture series by Dr. Nabeel Qureshi which outlines the basic beliefs of Islam and some helpful things to know when seeking to share the gospel with Muslims. I wanted to pass them along–they’re especially useful if you feel...

Why believe the Bible over the Quran?

Last year I met a couple of students who were Muslim, and began an ongoing conversation with one of them. This led me to finally begin (what I hope will be) a life-long pursuit of learning more about Islam, its people, and its teachings. I started reading articles,...

12 Steps to Defend the BIble

See how typical this sounds for you: “I saw an intriguing exchange on Twitter the other day. My friend Mike Betts had written something very innocuous – the Bible says we should trust God, or something like that – and someone responded, in a series...