Excellent Weekend Plans

Use your Saturday to discuss the gospel with some Muslims…? Just got this from a friend. Let me know if you’re interested… “I will be going to a meeting at the Feltonville Mosque this Saturday the 29th from 6:30-8:30. The topic will be...

Introducing the Straw Man

Learning about logical fallacies may sound like the last thing you ever need to put on your “to do” list, but actually… You should put it on there. So much of what passes for argumentation against the gospel, and almost all of what people bring up to...

Mo Sabri, the Muslim rapper who loves Jesus.

This has nothing to do with the music; but take 5 minutes and watch this video of Mo Sabri, a young Muslim guy who raps about his belief in Jesus: (Feed readers can watch it on YouTube here.) A few things to notice, and a few questions we need to think over:...