by | Apr 13, 2012 | Forum
Here are the materials from Monday night’s Forum: Homosexuality and the Gospel. They will be available permanently over at the Resources page. Update: with the first posting the links were broken. The issues have been fixed and you should be able to click on the...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 9, 2012 | Forum
Just a reminder: Tonight we’re holding our next Forum, Homosexuality and the Gospel. Please try to be on time so we can get started right away. There will be a couple short breaks during the evening, including one around the time we usually stop, in case you...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 29, 2012 | Forum
We will have our next Young Adults Forum on Monday night, April 9. Last time we spent the evening discussing Islam and how to minister to Muslims in our community. This time we’ll take the evening to discuss Homosexuality. The focus of the night will be...