Talking about the Trinity with Muslims

If you have five minutes, listen to this brother’s recounting of a conversation with three Palestinian Muslims, where the Trinity was a central part of the conversation. So helpful… [tvideo type=”vimeo” clip_id=”22034409″...

Three Muslim Misconceptions About Christians

I found this post by J.D. Greer helpful. Hope you will too… The history of Islam and Christianity is hardly an amiable one. Many people from both religions view the other with suspicion (at best) or fear and hatred (at worst). This suspicion existed from day...

A Great Introduction to Islam

Recently I found a multi-part lecture series by Dr. Nabeel Qureshi which outlines the basic beliefs of Islam and some helpful things to know when seeking to share the gospel with Muslims. I wanted to pass them along–they’re especially useful if you feel...

Why believe the Bible over the Quran?

Last year I met a couple of students who were Muslim, and began an ongoing conversation with one of them. This led me to finally begin (what I hope will be) a life-long pursuit of learning more about Islam, its people, and its teachings. I started reading articles,...

Thoughts on Entertaining Muslims

The same friend who invited you to the Mosque with him this Saturday sent me this very helpful document yesterday. It’s a bunch of advice for using your home (or apartment, or parents’ home, etc.) as an outreach, with some specific advice for entertaining...