by ccpwebteam | May 1, 2013 | Islam, Resources
Monday’s forum on sharing the gospel with Muslims went very well. Here’s the list of resources we were talking about for further study: Books • Answering Islam by Norman Geisler & Abdul Saleeb • The Messenger, The Message, and the Community by Roland...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 11, 2013 | Evangelism, Islam
This has nothing to do with the music; but take 5 minutes and watch this video of Mo Sabri, a young Muslim guy who raps about his belief in Jesus: (Feed readers can watch it on YouTube here.) A few things to notice, and a few questions we need to think over:...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 28, 2013 | Islam, Ministry Opportunities
I got this from a friend of mine the other day, and wanted to pass it along. It sounds like a great opportunity for evangelism(amd learning). Let me know if you want to jump in and I’ll get you contact info. “The Muslim ministry group that I pray with on...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 9, 2012 | Islam, Missions, Resources
Here are some helpful resources for learning about sharing the gospel with Muslims. I’ll pass these out on tonight, but I figured it would be helpful to have them here too. Books • Answering Islam by Norman Geisler & Abdul Saleeb • The Messenger, The...