by ccpwebteam | Aug 6, 2013 | Announcements, Ministry Opportunities
Last night we announced that our Young Adults group will be pitching in to the outreach going on this Saturday down at Rock Ministries, and that we’ll do it by joining with Mike Hojnaki (who led worship for us last night) to help run the “Sports...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 23, 2013 | Evangelism, Ministry Opportunities
This Monday we’ll have an evening to discuss sharing the Gospel with Muslims. Many of you might immediately have people on your mind from work or school who you want to be better equipped to speak with. But for any of you who are looking for ways to make new...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 30, 2013 | Ministry Opportunities
On Monday Night we announced that we are going to being partnering with the Rock Ministries in Kensington in their outreach to prostitutes. We’re going to begin doing this by putting together hygiene bags for them. Below is the list of items that we need to...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 28, 2013 | Islam, Ministry Opportunities
I got this from a friend of mine the other day, and wanted to pass it along. It sounds like a great opportunity for evangelism(amd learning). Let me know if you want to jump in and I’ll get you contact info. “The Muslim ministry group that I pray with on...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 25, 2013 | Announcements, Ministry Opportunities
As we announced on Monday night, we have a series of training opportunities coming up at church for anyone who would like to get some training to be able to serve whena disaster hits. I: Introduction to Chaplaincy Ministry Saturday, February 2nd, 9am to Noon. Jerry...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 27, 2012 | Ministry Opportunities
The guys at the Camp at Old Mill (where we were last weekend) asked me to let our group know about a ministry opportunity coming up with them. The Camp is maintained by the ministry of County Corrections Gospel Mission, which uses the camp for year-round ministry to...