God’s heart for children, in action.

I love to promote and spread the stories of people in the “Young Adults” age who are abroad serving the Lord. One of our friends (and Young Adults fellowship members) on the mission field is Julianne Heilman, serving in Entebe, Uganda. If you aren’t...

Thoughts from Uganda

Julianne Heilman is one of our friends from the young adults fellowship who’s serving the Lord in another country. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s her latest blog post: “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in...

Julianne’s post from Uganda

      “I just finished sifting through my rice, to get the rocks out. I didn’t know to ask for sifted rice, oops. And I washed and rung out my laundry by hand this morning after church. Yay for becoming an African woman.” Check out...

Follow Julianne In Uganda

Last night Julianne Heilman shared about her upcoming move to Uganda to be a part of the ongoing mission work with Calvary Chapel Entebe. Bookmark her blog here:http://juliannesjourneys.wordpress.com/ And check out the Facebook event for the open house being held for...