by ccpwebteam | Jun 13, 2012 | Missions
Jaci Bailey, who was with us on last Fall’s Weekend of Prayer, and who many of you went to school with at CCA, is blogging over at I post it here because it’s a record of her work in the Dominican Republic,...
by ccpwebteam | Jun 8, 2012 | Culture, Missions
Keeping up with the missionaries connected with our Monday night group, Ben just posted an update at the Spector’s blog. It’s got a great slice-of-life description of their daily activities in Cakovec (Croatia), as well as some helpful insights about how...
by ccpwebteam | May 18, 2012 | Missions
Our friend Ben Spector has a post up over at the Missions Blog. Chek it out: Hope to see you tomorrow at the Missions...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 12, 2012 | Missions
Josh and Kristen posted on their blog today: Hey everyone! Joshua and I are finally settled into our house and have quickly made it feel like a home! I will post a blog either this weekend or next week of our house! Many of you heard before we left the brokenness of...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 11, 2012 | Missions
Update: After this posted this morning, I saw the Spector’s had an update at their blog. Check it out: Saw this last week, and it reminded me again of our friends serving the Lord far away from us… Ben & Emily in...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 7, 2012 | Missions
On Monday night we heard from Josh and Kristen Oestreich about their move up to a town called Moose Factory in Ontario, Canada where they’ll be working with a church and serving the community of the Cree people, a Native American tribe on the southern tip of the...