by ccpwebteam | Feb 20, 2012 | Announcements, Missions
A few years ago Tiffany Doran invited me to a dinner with Chuck and Janice Walton, who are former missionaries in the Philippines. They spent many years involved in Bible translation for people groups with no copies of the scriptures in their languages. Recently...
by ccpwebteam | Feb 3, 2012 | Missions, Testimonies
Many of us in the Young Adults group are at a stage of life where we’re looking for what God wants to do with our lives. Whether we’re in college wondering what comes afterwards, working and wondering how the Lord wants to use us, waiting to be married and...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 19, 2012 | Book Recommendations, Missions
Carlos Kalczuk gave me my copy of Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret on my 30th birthday. What a great gift. It quickly became one of my all time favorites. It’s the story of Hudson Taylor, who left England at a young age and founded the China Inland...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 9, 2012 | Islam, Missions, Resources
Here are some helpful resources for learning about sharing the gospel with Muslims. I’ll pass these out on tonight, but I figured it would be helpful to have them here too. Books • Answering Islam by Norman Geisler & Abdul Saleeb • The Messenger, The...
by ccpwebteam | Dec 23, 2011 | Announcements, Missions
From Carlos Kalczuk (CC Philly Missions Pastor). Seems like a great opportunity… Hi everyone, I wanted to give you some more information about the medical trip to Uganda we are praying about. All of this info will be given again when we have an official meeting...
by ccpwebteam | Dec 14, 2011 | Missions
Here’s the latest news on Ben. Funny note on getting care in another context… Hey all, Just wanted to send a quick update. I had another doctors appointment yesterday to find out the results of the blood tests. It went well, and I am not fatally ill....