by ccpwebteam | Feb 26, 2020 | Science
I saw this on Justin Taylor’s blog, and thought it was a helpful summary, for any of you who encounter these things regularly. The Discovery Institute identifies five areas of science that pose serious problems for neo-Darwinianism: 1. Genetics Mutations cause...
by ccpwebteam | Sep 10, 2014 | Bible Study, Science
Francis Schaeffer, bringing a little perspective to the connection between the Bible and Science: What the Bible tells us is propositional, factual and true truth, but what is given is in relation to men. It is a scientific textbook in the sense that where it touches...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 20, 2014 | Evangelism, Science
Yesterday we looked at some of the reasons we as Christians don’t need to buy it when someone says “God can’t be proven by science.” We left with this objection: That doesn’t solve our problem of being able to use science to prove God....
by ccpwebteam | Mar 19, 2014 | Evangelism, Science
God can be proven by science. That’s not a typo. I say it because many of us have simply accepted it as a given when people say, “God could never be proven by science.” Now, on one level this seems obvious. There’s no “God...
by ccpwebteam | May 9, 2013 | Book Recommendations, Science
I hope to have our next Forum on the ways Christians can think about and discuss the issues of modern science and the content of our faith. As any of you in college, technical careers, or basically any situation where you speak with informed people will be able to...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 18, 2013 | Book Recommendations, Culture, Science
Everyone should read A.W. Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy. The other day Mike Focht reminded me of this great passage from the book, where Tozer offers insight on the nature of modern naturalistic thinking as it attempts to describe the world without reference...