by ccpwebteam | Dec 12, 2012 | Culture, Current Events, Science
Marco Rubio is the junior Senator from Florida. He is also, if you’re not aware, one of the top people expected to contend for the Republican nomination for president in 2016. If you haven’t already heard, he recently gave an interview to GQ magazine...
by ccpwebteam | Nov 2, 2012 | Biblical History, Science
This is the third post of a discussion (which began on Wednesday) of a couple of quotes on this issue: Does the New Testament teach that Adam existed as a historical person, and was the ancestor of all humans? We’re aiming at growth in our ability to discuss...
by ccpwebteam | Nov 1, 2012 | Biblical History, Science
Yesterday I introduced a couple quotes from another blog which represent some current ways of talking about this issue: Does the New Testament teach that Adam existed as a historical person, and was the ancestor of all humans? Today I want to begin responding to the...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 31, 2012 | Biblical History, Science
I read these quotes in an article on another blog the other day: “Now the key question, and it won’t go away, is whether Paul is seeing Adam as a representative figure—in some way, here is a figurehead of humanity as a whole—or whether Paul is seeing him as a...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 30, 2012 | Science
I was suprised to see this article the other day: Are We Reaching a Consensus that Evolution is Past its Prime? By Doug Axe I’m surprised at how quickly Darwinists have abandoned any claim that evolution is a powerful process at work today, retreating to the position...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 26, 2012 | Science
This will take you about half an hour, but if you have any interaction with modern science, or with others who do, it will be worth your time. I’ve put up a couple of posts about the Higgs Boson particle that has been in the news since its existence was...