A Story of God and Money

“John Cortinez and Gregory Baumer were young, successful Christians making more money than most of us dream of. They were faithful Christians tithing to their church regularly, but when they take an elective class at Harvard Divinity school about God and Money...

A Very Emotional Experience

This follows nicely on our study from last night. Here’s some more on repentance from Thomas Oden: Repentance requires a decisive reversal of the previous sin-laden course of mind, heart, and will. The reversal does not occur without first a change of mind, a...

Becoming Radically Honest

What is repentance? And why does it matter? Here’s an excellent answer from Thomas Oden: Through the English word repentance carries the nuance of sorrow for what one has done, it does not as adequately imply reformation of character as does the Greek metanoia....

14 Ways to Be a Godly Employee

Work is part of your spiritual life. Your job is part of your discipleship to Christ. If we forget that, we can mess a lot up. Jordan Standridge has a great article on practical ways to honor God in the workplace. Enjoy: One of the saddest statements I heard in...