Tonight’s discussion question

I’m looking forward to diving into the sixth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans with you all tonight. I thought I’d post this beforehand for a little appetite whetting… Here’s the question we’ll open the night discussing, in...

Things that mess up prayer

We see clearly in scripture that God wants us to pray. He also gives us instruction about what will mess our praying up. Here’s a list of things that are mentioned in scripture as hindering or ruining both our ability to pray and our prayer’s ability to...

Pressing on to Maturity

(This is the final post in a series of thoughts from Elisabeth Elliot on the Christian life. For the rest of the series, see the introduction, part two, and part three.) What do we do when we face experiences that seem to shake our previously held views about the way...

What does it mean to “serve” God?

(This is part three of a series of thoughts from Elisabeth Elliot of the Christian life. For the rest of the series, see the introduction and the second post.) What does it really mean to “serve” God? Elisabeth Elliot is among those who moved away from...

Pleasing People and Pleasing God

(This is part two of a series of thoughts from Elisabeth Elliot on the Christian life. For the introduction to the series, see the first post.) How does a Christian live “above reproach” in a world where there are different ideas about what God requires of...

The Liberty of Obedience

In 1958, less than three years after her husband had been killed in an attempt to preach the gospel in the rainforest of Ecuador, Elisabeth Elliot went to live with the Huaorani people (whom her husband was attempting to reach) with her three-year-old daughter. In...