by ccpwebteam | Nov 8, 2016 | Bible Study, Spiritual Life, Technology
You shouldn’t use your phone as your bible. Yes, I know, like, everyone does it. And yes, there are some very convenient things about (some might even say advantages to) simply using your phone (or tablet) as a bible. You can’t really forget it; you can...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 8, 2014 | Culture, Technology
This was the cover of my Time magazine a couple weeks ago. The article is pretty fascinating. Even Time is sounding warning bells about the ways technology is affecting our lives in ways we don’t fully understand yet. Then a friend passed along this response by...
by ccpwebteam | Jan 14, 2014 | Monday Study Notes, Technology
Last night we took one more week of break from our study through Romans to consider Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6 and how it relates to our private (secret) life with God–and how social media impacts this necessary part of life. Here are the notes: The...
by ccpwebteam | Oct 9, 2013 | Culture, Technology
A few weeks ago up at Calvary Chapel Quakertown I participated in a forum on media and the Christian. I was given the assignment of speaking on Social media. There’s several reasons that’s a little comical (for instance, I’ve never had a personal...
by ccpwebteam | Apr 4, 2013 | Culture, Technology
I am in the very beginning of what I hope will be a long a fruitful conversation with Justin Grow (leader of our Levittown Post-YA home fellowship–talk to me!). The topic is the nature of modern media and the effects it has on us–specifically, on humans as...