by ccpwebteam | Oct 12, 2012 | Testimonies
We’re already a week away from our weekend in prayer. What a great time it was, though. While we were there I asked the group to share thoughts about the weekend for the blog here if they wanted. Ade Oyemola took me up on it. Thanks Ade! Here’s what she...
by ccpwebteam | Sep 5, 2012 | Events, Testimonies
In preparation for this year’s weekend of prayer we’ll be having October 5-7, I asked Mike Clark to share some thoughts about his experience last year. This will especially apply to you if you’ve never been, since here he records his experience going...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 12, 2012 | Testimonies
Here is the last post in this series about Rich and Sabina. After their conversion to Christ, Rich and Sabina’s life completely changed as they to embraced His call for them. Rich did become a pastor, and Sabina served faithfully at his side. But their lives...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 11, 2012 | Testimonies
Here’s part three of Rich and Sabina’s story. In part two we saw Rich meet Christ and be saved. What we find out in this part is that he had already married Sabina. His conversion was the first major incident that rocked their life, and as he recounts...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 10, 2012 | Testimonies
We continue today with the story of Rich and Sabina, with Rich narrating his time after his marriage when he was recovering from tuberculosis.. (Click here to read part one.) And don’t worry, Sabina will be in the next part… Although I had read the Bible...
by ccpwebteam | Jul 9, 2012 | Testimonies
Here’s a very edifying testimony about two young people, Rich and Sabina, who meet, fall in love and marry, and then encounter two major events that change everything for them. Rich narrates their story: My schooling was poor, but we had many books at home....