by ccpwebteam | Apr 2, 2013 | Monday Study Notes, The Trinity
Here are the notes from last night’s study on how prayer is essentially a Trinitarian activity: Prayer and the Trinity What is prayer and why is it real? “The Spirit unites us to the Son, who reconciles us to Father, and we pray back along that line: to the...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 26, 2013 | Monday Study Notes, The Trinity
Last night we continued our study of how God’s Triune nature affects our lives by looking at what is happening when we read the Bible. Here are the notes: What we’re doing when we read the Bible. (Or, Why are Christians so hyped up about the Bible?) The Bible,...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 25, 2013 | The Trinity
Here’s a helpful thought about how we can know the Triune God without necessarily being able to explain the Trinity: A child by the age of five has learned, we are told, an astonishing amount about the physical world to which he or she has become spontaneously...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 21, 2013 | The Trinity
I’m still finding helpful things to add to our Monday night studies of the Trinity. For instance, I saw this online over the weekend–Using shapes and dimensions to illustrate, C.S. Lewis gives a very helpful analogy explaining why our minds might struggle...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 12, 2013 | Academic, The Trinity
Last night I read this passage from a guy named John Webster on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity. It’s a little dense, but very thought provoking, and so I wanted to post it here (the first paragraph), along with the quote I tried to read (the last...
by ccpwebteam | Mar 12, 2013 | Monday Study Notes, The Trinity
Last night we continued our study of the Trinity by looking at the Holy Spirit. Here are the notes: 1. How we met Him: Promised: Ezekiel 36:26-27, Isaiah 42:1 All over Jesus’ life: Luke 1:34-35; 3:15-16; 3:21-22, 4:1-2; 4:14-21 We meet Him in the life of Christ. He...