Labor Day Hangout

Tonight… Let’s get together at 6:30. If it’s nice we’ll cook out on the front field. If it’s not, we’ll get together inside. Either way, bring a side or desert to share. Testimonies / Worship / Friends. Hope to see you...

See you tonight at 6:30!

Tonight we’ll spend Memorial Day together on the ball field in front of the church building. It all starts at 6:30. Bring a desert or a side dish to share if you...

His master plan?

William Still: “When Jesus ascended, He left eleven men to do his work and, promising them His Spirit, left them, enflamed by the Spirit, to do it. He had no other...

Snow Night. No Young Adults.

I know you were all revving up your 4x4s to get out for Young Adults tonight, but…The whole church building is closed so snow can be removed. So Y/A is cancelled. Enjoy the night...

That comic I mentioned on Monday night…

During Monday night’s study, while attempting to describe why John says that “his commandments are not burdensome” in 1 John 5, I mentioned this comic strip I saw the other day. It’s from this site, which is run by a Christian...