I just read this very interesting thought:
A man who has no self-control is fighting the Holy Spirit whose fruit always produces it.
That’s so insightful. Because, think about it: Galatians 5:23 does say that the fruit of the spirit is self-control. Which means, self-control is what the Spirit produces in our lives when we’re yielded to him. I yield, I obey, He produces self-control. (And that alone is a very interesting thought about how God’s sovereignty works in connection with our humanity.)
…which means, yes – -if I don’t have self-control, I must be actually, actively opposing the Holy Spirit’s “desire” (Galatians 5:17) and His active power to produce self-control.
When we don’t have self-control, the story about it that can run through our heads is the opposite of this. “I have no self-control because I can’t help it.” Or something like that. But that’s the point, right? The Spirit is fully able to grant me the ability to control myself and point myself towards God’s glory. There’s no lack there. He can help it. And he is actively giving me the power to help it.
So if, as a Christian, I can’t help it, it can only mean one thing. I don’t want to help it. I’m actively deciding not to be able to help it, and I’m opposing the Spirit’s work to make me be able to help it.
A lot to chew on there.