“I have been told that in one of the China Inland Mission homes in China there was a motto on the wall which said:

The sun stood still.
The iron did swim.
This God is our God for ever and ever.
He will be our guide even unto death.

This God, the one who, in answer to the prayer of an ordinary man, stopped the sun in its course, the God who suspended his own law of gravity and made an ax head float, this is the God to whom I come.

This is the God whose will and direction I am asking.

This God is the one whose promises I am counting on. And can he help me out of my predicament? Whatever my predicament may be, as soon as I compare it with the circumstances surrounding the miracles of the sun and the ax, my doubts seem comical.

God knows all about those comical doubts. He knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust, and it is to us, knowing all this better than we know it ourselves, that he made those promises.”

— Elisabeth Elliot, God’s Guidancep.33-34