photo 1I handed a few of these out on Monday night, but here’s the update for any of you who weren’t there. Over at the Philadelphia Christian Student Initiative website, the newest booklet is now available.

Here’s the blurb I put on the site:

Though few people know it before they head into adulthood, the twenties are one of the most spiritually challenging times in life, especially because they present a whole host of new challenges we don’t face when we’re younger.

Written especially for Christian students nearing the end of their time in college, Surviving Your Twenties attempts to highlight those challenges in succinct points, and offer some guidance for the road ahead.

This booklet was written out of the past few years’ reflection on the decade I spent in my twenties, and real heart-searching as to why so many of my friends started their twenties believing and (as best I could tell) excited to know and serve Jesus, and then turned thirty in various states of spiritual ruin: with lives seriously impacted by sin, or no longer claiming to believe the gospel at all. It’s not the prettiest piece of literature you’ll ever read–it turned out to be a sort of shot-gun list of the challenges that seem most important to know about, and some ideas for getting yourself ready for the years ahead.

You can download ePub, pdf, or text files for free at the PCSI resources page.

You can pick up printed copied in the back of the room on Monday nights, and as always, if you’re away at school and you want any of this stuff to use on your campus, let me know. We’ll gladly send it to you for free.