So if you’re in college, you’re back to school already. If you’re enrolled in a religion class, or any class where religion or the Bible is mentioned (which, today, is like every class!) you’re probably facing a familiar struggle–the barrage of “facts” about Christianity and the bible you might never have heard before, facts which, if true, seem like they’d undermine everything you believe in.

In this short video, Dr. Michael Kruger (read his book!) explains five important things that will help you navigate those cloudy waters.

Here’s his five main points:

  1. Make sure your expectations are straight before you head into college.
  2. Understand that professors aren’t neutral; they’re biased.
  3. Know that there are answers to your questions.
  4. Don’t just look at opposition as a curse, but as a blessing.
  5. As you walk through these things, don’t do it alone. Get involved in a local church and a solid Christian Fellowship on campus.