
On Monday night we announced the beginning of our Young Adults Community Groups. I laid out a basic vision and a scriptural basis for doing this sort of thing, and we announced the opening of sign-ups for the first three groups. Over the next few weeks we will be announcing several more groups.

UPDATED 3/4/14: The Theology group has been cancelled. These are the groups we have announced so far.

Abington Reading Group
Leaders:  Tony & Kyersti DeFranco
Book:  Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung
Meetings:  1st & 3rd Thursday Evening
Session:  March – May, 2014
Start Date:  March 6th
Meal:  Potluck Dinner

Arts Fellowship
Specifically for people who are currently working in, studying, or have talent in any of the arts (fine arts, writing, graphic design, music, etc…)
Leaders:  Annie Trusty & Erin Breneiser
Purpose:  Foster Fellowship & Collaboration of people involved with the Arts
Start Date:  Sunday February 23 (afternoon)

Career Fellowship
A group designed to support and encourage those in the work/career world. Fellowship, food, discussion, prayer and activities.
Leaders:  Jenelle Ricci & Jarreau Freeman
Purpose:  Support and encourage those in the world & career world.
Meetings:  Two Fridays a month
Session:  March – June, 2014
Start Date:  March 7th
Meal:  Themed, Potluck Dessert/Appetizers

Bensalem Reading Group
Fellowship, share a meal, and discuss what you’ve been reading in the word in your own personl times.
Leaders:  Willie & Katahdin Milacci
Location: Bensalem
Meetings:  2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
Session:  March – May, 2014 Start Date:
March 13th
Meal:  Potluck Appetizers

Want to get more info? Email

Listen to the intro bible study for the groups here:
Community Groups Introduction: Download | Stream

Here’s the general information:

What are Community Groups?
The sanctuary at Calvary Chapel is big and full of people. The Monday night Young Adults meeting is still rather large, and many who come are looking for an easier way to meet people and build friendships.

Community Groups are a way for those in the Young Adults fellowship at Calvary Chapel to build Christian community, cultivate ministry to the body of Christ, and reach out to those in need of Christ. They range in format from bible reading and discussion groups where people in a certain locality gather at a house, to reading groups where specific books are read and discussed together, to interest-based groups where members pursue a shared passion.

Why do we have them?
As we read the chronicle of the birth of the Church in the second chapter of the book of Acts,  we see that Christians were committed to several things, one of which was regular gathering for different purposes. Among other things, we see that they gathered “from house to house.” Partly this was because they had no church buildings in those days. But from their example we can learn a commitment to being together—in short, to living in real Christian community. They ate together, they studied together, they worshipped together, and they spread the gospel among non-believers, together.

Our Community Groups are one way of helping the young adults of Calvary Chapel pursue this part of the Christian’s calling. Specifically, Community Groups are our way of pursuing the need for personal relationships with each other. So we can be the kind of family (where every person is a sibling), and body (where every person is a member), and building (where every person is a living stone) that the scriptures call us to be.

In addition, we see community groups as a way to help build relationships for life—relationships that become part of the lifeblood of our church here at Calvary Chapel and that extend beyond your time in the Young Adults fellowship.

What are they like?
Groups of five to fifteen or so. They may meet in homes, in coffee shops, at local parks, or anywhere else where they can pursue their specific purpose. Most groups share some sort of meal together every time they meet. The core of the group is a few committed members of our Young Adults fellowship, and a leader or two who are specifically designated to coordinate the group and lend it vision and focus. These groups are ideal for people to check out after they’ve been to a Monday night bible study and want to find friendships.

What are some of the different groups?
Some groups are for bible reading, discussion and prayer (in other words, focused time designed for spiritual growth and fellowship). Some groups are book reading groups; they select a worthwhile book to read, and then discuss it together. Some groups are interest-based, whether it’s around interest in the arts, sports, outdoor activities, or other types of interests.

How does someone get involved?
Email Brian at and inquire about the group you’re interested in. You’ll get contacted from someone from that group with details about where and when they’re meeting.

Can I bring a friend?
Absolutely. Community groups are ideal places to introduce someone to our fellowship.

Can I bring a friend who’s not a Christian?
Please do. One of our hopes for these groups is that they provide us for a very genuine form of outreach. In a day and age where it is often difficult to find a ways to engage people with Christian truth, we hope to see these groups become places where you can invite your friends to witness real Christianity being lived out.