In preparation for this year’s weekend of prayer we’ll be having October 5-7, I asked Mike Clark to share some thoughts about his experience last year. This will especially apply to you if you’ve never been, since here he records his experience going for the first time, not knowing too many people.

Last year at the Young Adult prayer retreat the Lord met me in a powerful way.  I had just turned 24, and though I had prayed for salvation at an early age, my walk with God was complacent at best for those years in-between.  I had spent my life seeking joy and fulfillment in created things rather than the Creator, and put simply–my house was built on sand.  In his mercy and grace, God let that life fall apart and in the months leading up to the prayer retreat I found myself crying out to God in desperation for the very first time.

The prayer retreat set the stage for my new life lived for Christ.  He didn’t take away my trials, but brought me into Godly fellowship and opened my eyes to the joy and fulfillment that can be found in Christ alone.  I wrote in my journal the following week, “I feel like the prayer retreat was a turning point for me…I am excited for the direction my life is going in for the first time in a long time.”  I have been so blessed by God’s provision and faithfulness in the days since.  The work that God did that weekend was itself an answer to my prayers. 

God showed me through these experiences that if we truly seek him, he is faithful to meet us and lead us.  This passage from Jeremiah sums it up best: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” – Jeremiah 29:12-14a

More info about the weekend is available here.

And you can also download the registration form here.