I’m reasonably sure that, Lord willing, we’ll be starting a new direction of study in our Monday night gatherings, starting this Monday night. I want to take a few weeks and look at Paul’s description of the Christian life in Galatians 5:16-25. Specifically, I think we’ll all benefit by meditating on what the Holy Spirit is indicating about how to live a fruitful Christian life that does not “fulfill the lusts of the flesh” and does bear “the fruit of the Spirit.”
How do these things actually happen? How do they actually work in our lives? What is it like to experience these things and live them out? That’s where I hope to go with you all starting on Monday.
If you want to get ready, I suggest a couple reads through the whole letter. Maybe take a few minutes a couple times this weekend and read straight through in one sitting, a few different times. (That’s the best way to read the New Testament letters.) It would be great if we were all reading up and well acquainted with the letter, and the passage.
You might also try working through the passage yourself. Have you ever diagrammed?
Just to get you started, here’s a word document of a rough diagram I did of the passage, which I’ll start to use to prepare the studies. I just printed it out so I could start drawing all over it.
1 John was great, and I’m excited to see where the Lord’s going to be taking us, together, this year.