Notes from Last Night

by | Oct 2, 2012 | Monday Study Notes | 0 comments

Last night we finished our trip through 1 Peter. The notes are sparse, but here they are:

4:12-19      Suffering with future hope, and present blessing

Becoming a Christian redefines what we see as normal. (see 4:4)

We see suffering in light of the future blessing it testifies to. (see also v. 17-19.) Undeserved suffering for Christ is a sign that we will be delivered from His wrath in the future, because of our true union with Christ. Suffering for Christ now is an evidence that we’ll escape suffering forever in the future with Him.

We experience suffering differently in the present, because we go through it with God. In a special way, the Holy Spirit is “upon” us when we suffer for Christ (v.15).

The final judgment will separate those who believe and those who do not. In a way, persecution of Christians operates as the beginning of that process–it separates those who truly believe from those who do not.

5:1-14        Some Last words to the community

5:1-5       Relationships in the church

Elders: Submitting to the Chief shepherd by willingly participating in His work

(Younger) Non-Elders: Submitting to the Elders

All: Submitting to one another and God.

We humble ourselves under circumstances, because it is under God.

Toward God– Humble Submission and relational heart sharing

Toward Satan –Watchful vigilance and resistance       
Notice the contrast–God is caring for you; Satan is seeking to devour.