Here’s the list I had compiled off of Thursday’s question. This was a helpful thought exercise for me…
Jesus is the ultimate substitute:
- He was alive but became dead so that we who are dead could be made alive.
- He was immortal but died so that we who will die can live forever.
- He was God, but became flesh, so that we who are flesh could partake of the divine nature.
- He was holy, but became sin so that we who are sinful can become holy.
- He was king, but became a servant, so that we who are slaves could reign.
- He was rich but became poor so that we who are poor could be made rich.
- He was with God, but became separated from God, so that we who are separated from God could be reunited to God.
- He was with God, but came to our place, so that we who shut out from God could be in God’s place.
- He was unbeaten, but became defeated, so that we who are defeated could become victorious.
- He was glorious, but became shameful, so that we who are shameful could become glorious.
- He was full, but became empty, so that we who are empty can be filled.
- He was totally joyful, but became sorrowful, so that we who are sad can become joyful.
- He was whole, but became broken, so that we who are broken can be made whole.