Last night we announced that our Young Adults group will be pitching in to the outreach going on this Saturday down at Rock Ministries, and that we’ll do it by joining with Mike Hojnaki (who led worship for us last night) to help run the “Sports Block” with him and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. If you want to go and didn’t sign up last night, here’s a note from Mike about how to get in touch with him and the relevant details:

Basically, you just need to come prayed up and ready to serve by loving on people and helping with the activities.

The day gets going at 9:00 am this Saturday (August 10th) at the Rock.  The address is 2755 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA.  I would suggest carpooling if you can or taking the train, as parking may be tight.

I will send out a document on Wednesday or Thursday with all of our activities and assignments.  Contact me with any questions or concerns!

 Mike Hojnacki
(216) 406-1399