Carlos asked me to post this. Some of us are already running packed schedules, and our service to the Lord is in faithfulness and openness to Him in what He’s given us to do. Others of us, though, are looking for ways to “redeem” our time by being used by God. This opportunity might be a perfect fit for you…

We’re going to be hosting ESL (English as a Second Language) classes here at the CCA Library every Wednesday night from 6:00 – 7:30, starting February 8th. 

The classes will be for 16 weeks, and will consist of one beginner level, and one intermediate level.  We are advertising in the Spanish and Russian newspapers and markets, as well as the Mosque’s around the N.E.  We currently have flyers in English, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. 

The classes are an opportunity to meet some of our neighbors that are living among us from other countries in the world.  The idea is to make friends, and to be light and salt and share Christ on a friendship level. Our last class saw people from Oman, Uzbekistan, Belarus, China, Maldova, Guatemala, and a few other countries.  We are currently looking for volunteers that are willing to sit and help our students  with their class assignments, and really just to be a part of the class to make friends with them. 

You don’t have to teach, but if you would like to, we have opportunities available for a couple weeks as well.  This is a great way to share the gospel with the “Nations” that are right here in our backyard. 

Please email me if you’re interested or have any other questions.

Carlos Kalczuk
Missions Pastor
Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
215-969-1520 x 259