We’ve completed our Young Adults study through Romans chapter 8. Next week (Lord willing) we’ll begin studying through John 13-17 together. During the study, I passed these questions out to group leaders to help guide your discussions. If you’d like to go through them yourselves, or go back over some things you thought about during the past few weeks, here they are–60 questions to get your heart and mind into God’s word in this amazing chapter.  You can download the document here. Or just scroll on down…

Study Questions for Roman Chapter 8

For Self-Study or Group Discussion

  1. See verse 1. Why is the idea of “no condemnation” so important for a Christian to grasp? (No condemnation for anything we’ve done, said, thought…) What makes it hard to grasp? What antidote are we given for when it is hard?
  2. Think about what Paul must mean by verse 2. How do verse 3 and 4 explain verse 2.
  3. What is the most important kind of freedom a human can experience, based on verse 2?
  4. In verse 5, “flesh” and “Spirit” do not mean “body” and “soul” or even “old me” and “new me.” Paul is probably talking about “Humanity without God (flesh)” and “the Holy Spirit.” Along those lines, how do you see verse 5 lived out all around us? What about how even Christians can experience some version of both of these things?
  5. Why is learning to set our mind on the things of the Spirit is so important, based on verses 6-8?
  6. What are the “things of the Spirit”? What practical ways can we “set our minds” on them?
  7. Look at verse 9. Based on what he wrote in v.5-8, why do you think Paul felt the need to clarify what he meant by “in the flesh”?
  8. Why are the truths of verse 9-11 so encouraging? How can thinking about, memorizing, trusting, and depending on these truths help you, practically, on a daily basis? What struggles could they address?
  9. Of all of 8:1-11, what’s the most encouraging or strengthening thing you see?
  10. How would you tell non-believing friends about the truths in 8:1-11? What particular truths here might help you talk about the gospel with people who need to hear?
  11. What does Paul mean by “debtors” in verse 12? Remember, by “flesh” Paul means something like, “Our humanity when we don’t have God in our lives,” all our impulses, desires, fears, etc… Are you aware on anybody who thinks humans owe their humanity obedience? Think about the power of verse 12 to address that idea. (Especially—WHY specifically, is the Christian under no obligation to the flesh? The answer is verses 9-11, and verse 13).
  12. What do you think of how Paul describes the role of the Holy Spirit in verses 13-17?
  13. How is verse 13 the exact opposite of what our culture thinks is true today? What does that tell you about the inevitable results of the way most people think?
  14. The word “for” in v.14 implies a very close relationship between v.13 and v.14. So…how does v. 14 explain what “putting to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit” means, and vice versa?
  15. How would the average person who doesn’t follow Jesus define the word “life.” (As in, what it truly means to be “fully alive,” for them.) Now, define “life,” based on verse 13. Define “life” based on verses 14-17. How is this different from the definition of the world around us?
  16. According to verses 14-17, what does someone get if they are not being led by “the flesh,” and instead, being led by the Spirit? Since “the flesh” promises such suffering if we don’t obey it, how do we see God’s answer to the flesh’s threats in these verses?
  17. In 8:12-17, what’s the most encouraging or strengthening thing you see?
  18. How would you share the gospel with your friends, based on the truths in 8:12-17?
  19. This passage discusses sonship, the status of heir of the family, and how it describes our connection to God. He is our Father. We are his children, (as opposed to slaves). Now, notice how the idea of suffering came into Paul’s thinking immediately (in v.17). Being God’s child forever doesn’t mean I won’t suffer in this life. So…what do I need to remember (v.18)? Why is this knowledge so essential, so practically necessary?
  20. For verse 18 to be able to help me, what does the Bible assume I know all about?
  21. If a friend said to you, “how do you stay hopeful with all the suffering in the world,” what would you say? What would say, based on verse 17 and 18?
  22. The whole creation waits for…what (based on verse 19-21)? How are we personally involved in what the creation is waiting for? How does all this help you define what Paul means by “glory” in verse 18? How do you feel about that?
  23. Why are things in the physical world (at least the earth) messed up, based on verse 20-22?
  24. What are we waiting for, based on verse 23? What does this mean, and how does it relate to our present experience in life, based on verse 15? (Notice the key word connecting the two verses.) (Maybe think about it this way: What do these two things mean: “we have been saved” and “we will be saved”?)
  25. How would you describe the Christian life to a friend, based on verses 24 and 25? How would you comfort a discouraged brother or sister in the Lord, based on these verses? How would you pray and motivate yourself to press on, based on these verses?
  26. Explain v.25. Is it true? For you? How?
  27. Based on this whole passage, what is complete, and what is incomplete, about our salvation? How can this help us work through the struggles we face in daily life? What knowledge do we need to have in order to be able to understand our difficult world?
  28. In 8:17-25, what’s the most encouraging or strengthening thing you see?
  29. What’s a way we could share the gospel with our friends, based just on the truths in 8:17-25?
  30. How does the Holy Spirit help us make it through life’s sufferings, based on v. 16 and v. 26? What do you think about this? How do these words affect you when you read them?
  31. Paul assumes, in verse 26, that “weakness” is part of our experience in this rough, messed up world. What do you think about the fact that this word is in this verse?
  32. Do you ever struggle to know what to pray for in general? Do you ever struggle to know how to pray for a particular situation? Based on verse 26, What is God’s answer for that problem? What do you think about that? Notice the odd phrase “groanings which cannot be uttered” in v.26 (“groanings too deep for words” ESV)” in verse 26. This is how the Spirit helps us when we do not know what to pray. There are several thoughts on what this means—the Spirit himself praying to God in ways too deep to understand; the Spirit praying in our hearts to God while we remain silent; and the Spirit praying through us, even verbally, as when people pray in tongues. Regardless of the exact way we’re meant to understand it, do you see the comfort in these verses? How?
  33. Do you ever worry you might pray the wrong thing and ruin God’s plan for your life? Based on verse 27, does not knowing what to pray for ruin God’s will or stop his plan for our lives? Why not? How does that make you feel?
  34. There’s a lot going on these days. Are you ever confused by it all? How do verses 26-27 help you in this struggle?
  35. Verse 28 is famous. Why, do you think?
  36. Verse 28 starts with “and,” so we know it adds to the thoughts that came before. How does v.28 continue and add to the thoughts Paul has been developing in verses 18-27?
  37. Find and note all the sources of comfort Paul writes about in v.18-28.
  38. Notice the word “for” at the beginning of verse 29. That means this verse explains verse 28. How do verses 29-30 help explain what Paul meant by “works everything together for good” in v.28?
  39. How are verses 29-30 meant to bring comfort to us? Do they comfort you? Why?
  40. If you had to sum up the vision of life presented in verses 18-30 in one sentence, how would you? How is this different from the visions of life most people around us have?
  41. How are verses 18-30 different from what you hear on the news?
  42. How does most of American thought, media, and daily life for most people fit into verses 18-30?
  43. What are some ways we could share the gospel with our friends, based just on the truths in 8:18-30?
  44. In 8:18-30, what’s the most encouraging or strengthening thing you see?
  45. What are the answers to the questions in verse 31? What do you think about that? Do you ever struggle to believe what Paul is implying in verse 31? When? Why?
  46. How does verse 31 add to our understanding of verses 28-30? How does verse 28 enrich our understanding of verse 31? Why are these things important to know?
  47. Answer the questions Paul asks from verses 31 to 35, using only one or two words for each answer. Why did he ask these questions? Why does the Holy Spirit want us to think about all this?
  48. How does the statement in the second half of verse 33 answer the question in the beginning of the verse?
  49. How does the statement in the second half of verse 34 answer the question in the beginning of the verse?
  50. How do verse 33 and 34 relate to each other? Why is it important for us to think about these things?
  51. There is an interesting connection between v.35 and 2 Corinthians 11:26-27 and 2 Corinthians 12:10. What does this connection tell you about Paul’s authority to ask the questions he asks in Romans 8:35?
  52. Why is the answer given to the question in verse 35 is so profound and important for us to know and believe? What do the things listed in verses 35 and 36 usually make us think about God’s love in our lives?
  53. How can someone be called a “conqueror” (v.37) even they are going through the things listed in verse 35 and 36?
  54. How do verses 38 and 39 explain verses 37? Are these things helpful to know?
  55. How do verses 38 and 39 connect to, and help enhance our understanding of, verse 28?
  56. How could each of the things Paul lists in verses 38 and 39 make someone feel like they’re separated from God’s love? Have you ever thought about this before?
  57. In what ways should we expect to experience God’s love, based on verses 38-39 and verses 32-37? What about if we incorporate the rest of the chapter? Is this how most people think about God’s love?
  58. What is a way we could share the gospel with our friends, based just on the truths in 8:28-39?
  59. In 8:28-39, what’s the most encouraging or strengthening thing you see?
  60. What do you think about Romans 8? What’s your favorite part of it? Have you seen anything new in the chapter in your time studying through it? What is it, and how has it affected you?